Top 10 AI Newsletters You Need to Subscribe to Right Now

Stay Ahead, Stay Informed: Unlock the Power of AI with Our Top 10 Newsletter Picks!

Mahsima Dastan
The AI Insights


In the fast-paced world of artificial intelligence (AI), staying updated is key to staying ahead. With AI evolving rapidly, it's crucial to immerse yourself in the field and keep pace with the latest developments. One of the most effective ways to do this is by subscribing to AI newsletters, which offer curated insights into the ever-changing landscape of technology.

However, with a plethora of AI-focused newsletters available, it can be challenging to identify the most reliable sources of information. To help you navigate through the options, here's a roundup of the ten best AI newsletters that provide the latest industry news and developments:


With over 450,000 subscribers, Superhuman offers insights into AI advancements across various industries, using easy-to-understand language tailored to your preferences.

Big Brain

Divided into sections like AI news, careers, and tools, Big Brain delivers user-friendly content suitable for both AI novices and experts.

AI Breakfast

Bridging theory and practice, AI Breakfast delivers weekly news along with practical insights and tutorials on utilizing AI tools effectively.

The Productivity Newsletter

Weekly AI Productivity Boost With Hot Productivity Hacks and Tools To Optimize Your Workflow And Achieve More with The Productivity Newsletter.

Prompt Engineering Daily

Focusing on prompt engineering and machine learning news, this newsletter offers daily AI briefing prompts and practical applications.


With separate newsletters for general AI news and machine learning insights, TheSequence offers both free and premium content, including interviews and guest posts.

The Rundown

Providing daily overviews of AI news in a concise format, The Rundown is ideal for those seeking quick updates without delving into detailed analysis.

AI Ethics Brief

Addressing ethical concerns in AI, this newsletter offers detailed discussions on regulations and ethical considerations, along with a weekly living dictionary of AI ethics terms.


Targeting researchers and developers, AlphaSignal summarizes top AI-related research and developments from various sources, including arXiv and GitHub.

The Neuron

Delivering daily updates on AI trends with a touch of humor, The Neuron offers a simple and engaging format suitable for business professionals.

By subscribing to these top AI newsletters, you can stay informed about the latest trends and advancements in the dynamic field of artificial intelligence.

